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AddDict is a helper application that downloads and installs offline electronic dictionaries for the...

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AddDict is a helper application that downloads and installs offline electronic dictionaries for the so-called dictionary shells such as ColorDict and GoldenDict. The app runs on both phones and tablets with Android ver.2.3.6 or greater. GoldenDict is much more versatile than ColorDict but either of them understands the DICT-formatted files that AddDict can fetch to your Android gadget. In fact, any application that is familiar with DICT format should be able to work with them smoothly. In principle, you can even transfer the downloaded files to your desktop/laptop and then use them with free software such as cURL, Fantasdic, StarDict, etc. on PC, GNOME Dictionary on Linux, OmniDictionary on Mac OS X or SilverDict on Windows Phone, to name just a few.
AddDict's user interface is intuitive and self-explanatory while installation process does not require any special interference such as converting files, renaming or moving folders, etc. Both ColorDict and GoldenDict in their default configuration will recognize and index the downloaded files fully automatically thus providing the user with instant access to their new dictionaries.
As of June 9, 2015, there are 68 dictionaries in 14 languages (over 5 mln.entries) that can be downloaded with AddDict ver.1.2.
☆ Source & Target Languages (sorted alphabetically):------------------------------------------------------------------------ChineseEnglishFinnishFrenchGermanIndonesianItalianJapaneseKoreanPolishPortugueseRussianSpanishTurkish
☆ Dictionary List-----------------------– Harrap's French-English-French Business Dictionary (32,700 entries)– Larousse Bi-directional French Package for English, German, Spanish & Italian (230,000+)– Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (36,500+)– Harper Collins Dictionary of English (102,000+) – Oxford American Dictionary (95,000)– Concise Oxford American Thesaurus (14,000)– Oxford Business & Management Dictionary (7,000)– Oxford Dictionary of English (97,000)– Oxford Economics Dictionary (3,400+)– Oxford Finance & Banking Dictionary (5,300)– Oxford Concise English-Spanish Dictionary (33,000+)– Oxford Concise Spanish-English Dictionary (34,000+)– Oxford Hachette Concise English-French Dictionary (36,000)– Oxford Hachette Concise French-English Dictionary (28,000+)– Oxford Paravia Concise English-Italian Dictionary (42,000+)– Oxford Paravia Concise Italian-English Dictionary (31,000)– Oxford Duden Concise English-German Dictionary (31,000+)– Oxford Duden Concise German-English Dictionary (43,000+)– Kenkyusha Japanese-English Dictionary (204,000+)– Waeijiro Japanese-English Dictionary (1,000,000+)– Eijiro English-Japanese Dictionary (1,000,000+)– Piscis Babelis Comprehensive English-Japanese Dictionary (81,000+)– Compact Verlag Explanatory German Dictionary (49,000)– Compact Verlag German-Spanish Dictionary (31,000)– Compact Verlag Spanish-German Dictionary (26,000)– Compact Verlag German-French Dictionary (30,000)– Compact Verlag French-German Dictionary (25,000+)– Compact Verlag German-Italian Dictionary (22,500+)– Compact Verlag Italian-German Dictionary (20,000)– Compact Verlag German-Polish Dictionary (15,000+)– Compact Verlag Polish-German Dictionary (11,000)– Collins English-Chinese Dictionary (15,600+)– Collins Chinese-English Dictionary (20,000+)– Collins English-Polish Dictionary (27,000+)– Collins Polish-English Dictionary (29,000)– Babylon English-Korean Dictionary (63,000)– Piscis Babelis Concise Indonesian-English Dictionary (22,000+) – Comprehensive Korean-English Dictionary (127,000+)– Comprehensive German-Russian Dictionary (175,000+)– and many, many others...
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